Please donate any amount you can!

All donations are processed safely and securely with PayPal. Having a PayPal account is not required. To checkout as a guest, simply select the “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” option on the next PayPal screen.
Donations will appear on your credit card statement as: PAYPAL DRIVERSEDGE
Because we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and public charity, your donation is fully tax deductible.
We’re Back and We Still Need Your Help!
We missed doing events. We missed teaching. We missed seeing our student’s enthusiasm and confidence grow at Driver’s Edge. Most of all, we missed seeing everyone in person. But on November 19, 20 and 21, 2021 we finally returned to normal operations with our first event in Las Vegas in 622 days and it was incredible!
And as a small Nevada charity we really, really need your help to keep making this happen!
As you may know, we were essentially shut down since March 2020 and we were patiently waiting for our chance to get going again. We’ve served the Nevada community since 2002 (we’re about to have our 20th anniversary!) and we don’t want to stop now. But as a small non-profit organization headquartered in Las Vegas, we’ve been doing all we can to make it through this very difficult time and we’ve been worried we might not make it.
So now, more than ever, we still need your help so we can continue to help save lives behind the wheel.
So if you’re a prior student who appreciated Driver’s Edge, a parent of one of our students or someone who can’t wait to come to an event, would you please consider donating whatever you can? Our program has always been free to attend and we want to keep it that way, but we can’t do it without help from generous people like you.
The more you can donate means more events, safer drivers and more lives saved!
Safer drivers make safer roads for all of us. Everyone benefits from your support and contributions, not just our students.
How it helps
“I am now 22 years old and [took] Driver’s Edge twice. Yesterday my stepdaughter and I were in the middle lane with my cruise control set at 65 when a car slammed into the back of me and caused my Tahoe to start fishtailing. I didn’t hit anyone else, but I believe it’s because of what I was taught in your program. I gained control of my car fairly quickly and was able to slow down and pull over.
I am a little sore, which is to be expected, and thankfully my stepdaughter did not receive any injuries …
I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am. I truly believe Driver’s Edge is the reason my stepdaughter and I are alive today!
Thank you so much for all that you do!!”
-Kelcie Bergman & Mia
Make a difference
“This past weekend, my (now college age) son had his first experience with icy driving. I asked how it went and he said:
‘I started to spin out but I remembered what I learned 5 years ago at Driver’s Edge and it made all the difference.’
Thank you for all that you have done to make our roads safer and for equipping my son to avoid a catastrophe.”
-Steve Knerr